For thousands of years, the energy of the body has played a significant role in traditional Chinese medicine. This healing method deals with energy in general and the energy of the individual organs in particular.
The Chinese observed that not every energy has the same quality. According to their respective qualities, they named the energies after the elements: wood, fire, earth, metal, water. Human beings also have within themselves the qualities of wood, for example; especially in the energy and/or in the meridians of the liver and gallbladder, but also in thinking and feeling. If this energy is weak, it shows in the corresponding organs, and also in our thoughts and moods. When we practice the mudras and their corresponding meditation images and affirmations, there is a positive effect on the respective energy and therefore also at the mental-emotional level.
Here are the qualities associated with the five elements:
✓ Wood represents growth, a new beginning, stamina, and activity.
✓ Fire represents individuality, heat, and generosity.
✓ Earth represents a sense of being centered, digestion, change, and stability.
✓ Metal represents clarity, cleanliness, and communication.
✓ Water represents adaptability, sensitivity, repose, and the storage of life energies.
The following table will give you a brief survey of how the various qualities are related to the five elements. The bottom part of the table lists what strengthens or weakens an element or the associated organs. If necessary, you can also give some thought to what you could change or do in addition to the mudras in order to support healing, especially since some of the advice is quite pleasant. Laughing, singing, and dancing more often, or spending more time in the fresh air, aren't very frightening suggestions. When was the last time you saw a funny film or read a humorous book? When did you last dance, sing, or go to a sumptuous party?