Long ago, the Creator gathered all living beings on Mother Earth and asked four different tribes to sit in a circle, each receiving a unique piece of sacred knowledge. The Yellow people were given teachings about the Spirit and the element of Fire. The Black people learned about the Soul and the element of Water. The White people explored the Mind and the element of Air. And the Red people were entrusted with the Body and the element of Earth. Each race received only one quarter of the full truth of creation.

Over time, they forgot that each group possessed only part of the whole. Mistaking their own knowledge for the complete truth, they began to fight one another. The White people had once been tasked with calling everyone into Council so that all quarters of knowledge could be united. However, they forgot this mission. Throughout history, whenever a people misused its entrusted element—Fire, Earth, Water, and now Air—catastrophic events followed. For the White people, who embodied Air and Mind, the Creator had cautioned them to be mindful of how powerful the mind could be.

Instead of seeking balance, they used their knowledge to dominate other races: bringing addiction to the Yellow people instead of learning about the Spirit, enslaving the Black people instead of respecting the Soul, and conquering the Red people instead of valuing the Body and Earth. Over time, the rampant pollution of air, water, and land—fueled by exploitation and heedless use of technology—now threatens the world’s destruction. These actions reflect a continued denial of the other parts of the sacred circle: Spirit, Soul, and Body.

Even so, hope remains. By honoring the sacred circle and remembering each race’s contribution, humanity can restore harmony and heal Mother Earth. Living by these teachings helps bring balance back to all living things.
• Four Tribes, Four Teachings: The Creator gave four races different aspects of sacred knowledge—Spirit (Yellow), Soul (Black), Mind (White), and Body (Red)—each tied to an element (Fire, Water, Air, Earth).
• Partial Truths: Each tribe only held one piece of the total truth and was meant to unite with others to achieve balance.
• Conflict and Forgetting: Over time, each race forgot its knowledge was incomplete, leading to misunderstandings and conflict.
• White People’s Mission and Misuse: The White people, entrusted with the Mind and Air, were supposed to gather all races in Council but instead used mental power to dominate and enslave, neglecting the Spirit, Soul, and Body teachings.
• Consequences and Destruction: Past civilizations fell when they abused their elemental powers. Now, unchecked pollution (Air) threatens the world.
• Path to Restoration: By recognizing each race’s teachings and re-forming the sacred circle, humanity can restore harmony and avoid further destruction