Fundamental Laws of Homeosynergy
I. THE LAW OF SIMILITUDE (like attracts like).
The consequences of this law are:
The Law of the Mirror (what we see in others is a projection of what is inside us)
The Law of Resonance (multiple amplification of the effect from the impact on an object when the frequency of the external influence coincides with the natural frequency of the object)
The Law of the Boomerang (every cause has its effect, and every effect has its cause).
The mirror is a very important tool of awareness, which gives us the opportunity to first understand, and subsequently comprehend, that everything that exists outside of us is actually a part of us. Life, through other people, tells us who we really are, and does so when we live unconsciously.
In reality, we do not realize that we are one-on-one with ourselves, and others are only a reflection of ourselves, a reflection of what is hidden in us, of what we carry inside and what we focus on. The "other" exists to serve as a mirror, reflecting our reality and internal (unrealized, invisible) processes that have their beginning in the past.
There are many mirrors around us - a partner, children, colleagues, etc. - through them we see ourselves. If a person does not apply the Law of the Mirror in their life, then when encountering the "other" they inevitably begin to analyze, judge, accuse, expect... All this removes, separates, fragments, undermines, kills the very foundation of relationships with other people.
Without the Mirror, it is impossible to achieve self-awareness, to attain the truth. By looking at those around us, we have the opportunity to "see" ourselves from different sides. Everything around us, all people, including friends, colleagues, neighbors and passers-by, show us who we really are, prompting us something very important about ourselves. We see in them a reflection of our love, fears and attempts to fill the void in our own soul.
Everything that surrounds us is similar to us, and the reason for our environment is inside us. By applying the Mirror, we get rid of irresponsibility, of suffering, we begin to realize that everything we attract - we already have inside, because we can only attract people or experiences that vibrate at the same frequency as us (Law of Resonance). The Mirror gives us the opportunity to understand what we carry in our soul, what is inherent in us, what we are really like, because only by meeting another person, which gives rise to a reaction (emotion), a feeling of discomfort, "wounds" us, can we free ourselves from negative ballast, from our past, from what we once did not live through.
A person is a bio-dynamic self-regulating system that exchanges everything necessary for life with the environment. Therefore, the human body should be considered as a system that always strives to maintain a state of equilibrium. This striving for equilibrium is called homeostasis.
Equilibrium can be disturbed by the entry of any substances or other influences into the body. Any influence that disrupts the subtle dynamic mechanisms of self-regulation of the body is a "toxin" for the human body. In the middle of the last century, the German doctor H.H. Reckeweg introduced the concept of "homotoxin" into medicine, a term denoting a toxin for a person regardless of its nature. Homotoxins can arise endogenously (undigested/unremoved metabolic products, negative emotions and feelings, destructive thoughts and beliefs, actions) or be of exogenous nature (environmental factors, infectious agents, drugs, poor quality food, and many others).
When a person "encounters" a toxin, the body tries to either immediately eliminate (remove) it or adapt to its influence, if elimination cannot be complete. In any situation, the body, as a self-regulating and self-restoring system, always strives to restore the lost equilibrium.
From this postulate, a new understanding of disease is born: disease is the activation of normal processes of toxin elimination and compensation for the structural and functional disorders caused by them in order to achieve a state of equilibrium. Therefore, in reality, the symptoms of illness (at any level) should be considered as a biologically appropriate reaction of purification and detoxification of the body.
Homeosynergy views disease as an important protective mechanism set in motion by the body in order to neutralize toxins (of the most diverse kinds: chemical, physical, electromagnetic, psychological, iatrogenic, etc.). From this point of view, it becomes obvious that disease is already a medicine intended for healing intoxication. The body is our internal doctor, the best, most attentive and knowledgeable, who has at its disposal biological medicines - diseases, with which (with the exception of a few severe, urgent conditions) one cannot fight or, even worse, suppress.
L.M. Monsellato introduced the term "Benattia" into the lexicon, which in Italian means a beneficial action: "Disease cannot be regarded as a fatal event, but only as the language in which our physical body speaks. Pain - the expression of the energy of suffering - allows a person to realize their own functional errors in relation to the eternal laws of the Universe." Thus, homeosynergy takes a fundamentally different view of disease, and this difference lies in the positive interpretation of the role of disease and symptoms.
One should treat the sick person, not their disease. The body does not get sick, it adapts to changing conditions, so its biological reactions must be respected, not suppressed, killed, interrupted; through illness the body sends us signals that we must decipher. The main goal of a doctor, from the point of view of homeosynergy, is to determine why the patient fell ill, to reveal to them the personal meaning of their particular disease, and to select treatment that supports the body's biological protective reactions of self-detoxification and self-restoration. This is how homeosynergetic approaches to health fundamentally differ from the approaches of academic medicine.
III. THE LAW OF CONSERVATION OF ENERGY (everything we resist persists).
The universal Law of Conservation of Energy states that nothing arises from nothing and nothing disappears into nothing. A phrase familiar to everyone from middle school physics lessons, where we were told in detail how the vector interaction of energies occurs, how they are compensated, and so on. Newton's third law clearly demonstrates this: the force of action equals the force of reaction. This is how equilibrium is maintained at any level. What meaning does this law reveal to us in interpreting the causes of disease and the ways of its healing?
"Every chronic disease is a consequence of a rejected, misunderstood, and therefore poorly 'cured' acute pathology." L.M. Monsellato
One of the basic principles of modern medicine, which is now considered by most as an absolute truth, is that disease must be fought, it must be seen as something negative, something that must be suppressed and eliminated.
The modern doctor is one who fights the enemy (virus, bacterium, fungus, parasite... symptom, disease), striving to destroy or suppress it. And if this "enemy" resists and continues to exist, the doctor has no choice but to increase the dose and amount of allopathic (suppressive) drugs (effects) for its complete destruction, or, ultimately, to remove the "dangerous" organ (or part of it).
According to medical statistics today, we know of more than 40,000 diseases, divided into (approximately) 1,200 specializations, which we fight with 58,000 different drugs. Unfortunately, there is a sad news that is not spoken openly, even when money is requested for research aimed at combating tumors, leukemias, lymphomas, multiple sclerosis and other severe degenerative diseases.
It is that the incidence of these diseases is currently increasing at dizzying rates worldwide. Since 1970 in Italy, the average mortality from tumors has decreased by 22%, but the number of new cases has increased by 400% (from 470,000 in 1977 to 1,800,000 in 2007). All this is happening because it is enough to fight something to ensure its increase and growth to dizzying heights!
L.M. Monsellato
The Law of Conservation of Energy indicates that by fighting diseases, we only nurture their numbers. Example: bacteria make up the bulk of the biomass on the surface of the planet Earth; one milligram of seawater contains up to 100,000 bacteria, 1 gram of soil - 10 billion, our body is 90% composed of bacteria, the skin is home to 1,000 billion bacteria belonging to 182 different strains.
In the West, the most commonly used drugs are antibiotics, the second most popular are analgesics, their use in medicine, veterinary medicine and agriculture is almost unlimited, which in turn leads to a rapid increase in the number of microorganisms resistant to them. By suppressing life in any of its manifestations without understanding the essence of the laws of the universe, humanity is paying too high a price for such treatment.
Official medicine distinguishes a thousand diseases, dividing them into "acute" and "chronic". In "chronic" pathology, the patient has cold skin and extremities, a constant state of stress, weight loss (or gain), sleep disturbances: this group includes diseases such as cancer, heart attack, neurodermatitis, psychopathologies, and others. In the group of "acute" diseases - infections, rheumatism, allergies, exanthema, etc. This division is unfounded: none of these "acute" or "chronic" pathologies is a disease in itself, it is simply one of two phases of a single process of restoring lost homeostasis.
Every disease is represented by a "chronic" (vagotonic) phase and an "acute" (sympathicotonic, reparative) phase. Every chronic disease is a consequence of a rejected, misunderstood, and therefore poorly cured acute pathology. Awareness is the turning point for the transition from the vagotonic phase to the reparative phase, this is the path to recovery.
IV. THE LAW OF LOVE (at the root of any disease lies denial)
A person is a complex system consisting of an astronomical number of parts, large and small, vibrating with a period from fractions of a second (molecular oscillations, ion flows, etc.) to several years (hormonal). But despite such an abundance of components, due to their resonant synchronization, our body is a single whole.
A person as a whole is part of a more global Whole - society, humanity, nature, the universe - and interacts with both the Whole itself and with other full-fledged parts of it. This interaction is more successful the more a person's activity is in harmony, in accord with the laws of the existence of the whole. We cannot but be a part of the whole. We can become a disharmonious part of it, opposing the rest, like a cancer cell, but this opposition will eventually affect us ourselves, our health at all levels from physical to spiritual, for even a cancer cell, killing the organism, deprives itself of a future.
Health is harmony, coherence, correspondence of the external and internal world, of the whole and its part. In modern Russian, the word "whole" means "one from which nothing has been diminished, nothing has been separated", and originally this word meant "healthy".
According to the law of the boomerang, all suffering begins with rejection (denial, struggle), first of all of oneself and, as a consequence, of those around us. Every time we compare, judge, evaluate, criticize or feel anger, hatred, jealousy, greed, pride, fear; every time the desire to possess, manipulate or a feeling of self-confidence arises; every time we live in the past or the future instead of being present in the only real - the present moment, we find ourselves in a stressful situation, thereby increasing the degree of intoxication.
Stress causes a blockage of the flow of energy in the body. Thus, we lose energy by denying life. A person realizes the ability to replenish energy in the body by accepting life, manifesting love. This is how the expediency of the universe is manifested. This fundamental fact must be understood and realized by each of us.
The fourth law of homeosynergy indicates that any disease is born from negative thoughts and emotions, which, as taught by psycho-neuro-immuno-endocrinology, through disruption of the functioning of the endocrine glands, cause dysregulation of the immune system, metabolism, the neurovegetative system, and so on. Therefore, the therapeutic effect should not block or suppress the disease, on the contrary, it should enhance the power of the protective system, support and restore the body's resources, since only the body, and not another drug, is capable of overcoming the disease. Therefore, if we really want to get to the true causes of suffering, we must ask ourselves how, when and why we experience stress. Working with thousands and thousands of patients has revealed that we, in the end, experience stress when events, people, life in any of its manifestations, we do not like, disturb us, or, in other words - we do not accept it as it is. Disease is nothing more than indisputable evidence of actual denial, which, creating disharmony, leads to distress, resulting in a symptom.
Thus, rejection (denial, refusal) is the basic element, it is at the center of any event that manifests itself at the level of the body in the form of a symptom or disease. Therefore, on the one hand, the processes that we call disease are nothing more than useful and necessary biological functions aimed at protecting against intoxication, since in practice, stress is triggered by the fact that we cannot accept (Law of Similitude). On the other hand, disease is the somatization of internal disharmony, reflecting the rejection of life and, consequently, of understanding experience, understanding that this biological mechanism ensures survival.
Therefore, summarizing what has been said, we can distinguish two main paths that underlie life, which homeosynergy studies at the personal level:
V. THE LAW OF PARTICIPATION (disease is the body's response, determined by the degree of a person's awareness)
"There are two inversely proportional realities. Disease is possible only when there is unconsciousness. Disease is a reflection of the perfect harmony of matter, but without awareness it is like sowing without reaping the harvest." L.M. Monsellato
Homeosynergy affirms: either you are aware or you get sick. Disease is the language of the soul, which manifests the shadow sides, i.e. personal aspects of unconsciousness in the life of the individual. There is no point in blaming people for the existence of a shadow side. This aspect of existence must be treated with particular delicacy. At the same time, evaluation is as meaningless as the correct interpretation of the disease and the identification of its true cause is reasonable.
Disease is a biological way of illuminating the shadow side, a chance for the growth of self-awareness. If all the work is reduced only to analyzing the picture of the disease, nothing will change either in the initial cause or in the specifics of the problem. The person will not become worse or better because of this. Awareness means not just understanding that we ourselves create our disease, awareness is, above all, a conscious choice to take this responsibility upon ourselves.
Disease is a disruption of harmony in response to emotional trauma, which arises simultaneously at the mental, mental and organic levels. Without rejection, refusal and subsequent conflict, the disease does not appear: to attach importance to this is the first step towards recovery. The intensity of the emotional trauma determines the severity of the disease, and the type of emotion experienced in the process of trauma determines the localization of the pathology in the body. Disease is a response determined by the degree of a person's awareness.
A person makes a choice every moment of their life, but for the overwhelming majority of people - this is an unconscious choice, a denial of oneself, a choice out of fear of being oneself. Fear comes from misconceptions about life. A conscious choice is accepting oneself and having the courage to be oneself, honesty and sincerity towards oneself, a choice out of love and respect for oneself and one's life, a sense of self-worth. By manifesting love and respect for yourself (but not egoism and self-interest), you automatically begin to transmit this energy and accordingly create harmony around you.
Needing love, we often rely on others. Thanks to other people, we create an idea of ourselves. Moreover, we expect them to satisfy our needs.
Observe how often we expect approval or gratitude from people who have never valued themselves and were never grateful to themselves. Trying to conform to the expected image of us, we forget who we really are. We compare ourselves with those we consider better than us and underestimate our own self-esteem. By doing so, we become disappointed in ourselves and our achievements.
We strive for perfection and demand it from others. And if they do not meet our criteria and expectations, we become upset, disappointed and saddened. Disappointments occur from the expectation with which we endow the upcoming event or person, and are also associated with the inability to get what we need to be happy. Wanting people to satisfy our needs, making us happy, we immediately begin to expect something from them.
If they meet our expectations, we are happy, if not, we are disappointed, frustrated, sad, angry, craving revenge. Moreover, we do not realize that these desires limit the freedom of other people, literally "suffocate" them. And then they move away from us in order to regain their freedom and breathe freely again. Therefore, it is so important to raise self-esteem, to allow yourself to BE YOURSELF, not to meet other people's expectations, and to